My Advice to Recruits!
by Karen:)

Karen Freberg






"Go with


One that Loves You!"

When I was in high school, I traveled far and wide to find what I thought was the best school for me. Mr. John Dye of Dyestatİ asked me to write about the decision process ... and about my experiences! You can still read about it today by following this link:

(click to see) "Karen's Diary" on "Dyestatİ the internet home of h.s. track and field!" 

What I have learned through all of this is very simple. It is important to choose a school that not only meets your academic needs but ... let's face it ... you will want a program that will help YOU become the best athlete you can be! Take the time now or live to regret it in every practice.

(click to see) K-Mail
Good Luck!

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